Bulk import of staff details
To save having to invite users one-by-one you can do a bulk import of staff details using an Excel template. This is particularly useful if bringing data in from another Excel file, such as a report from another system (such as Learnlink or Active Directory). Relevant guides to export staff details:
Exporting staff details from LearnLink
- Click on the Tools button on the top menu (spanner/screwdriver)
- Click on Import in the left menu, then select the Staff tab
- On the right hand side panel, download the template file by clicking the button labelled Download Excel Template.
- Minimise your browser, and open the ScorelinkStaffImport.xls file
- Populate the First Name, Last Name and Email Address columns with relevant data. If copying data in from another Excel file, make sure the rows line up correctly once you’ve pasted the data in.
- Save the document (CTRL+S)
- Navigate back to Scorelink
- In the main windows click on Select File and navigate to the location of the Excel file that you just saved, then click OK
- Click the blue Next button: Scorelink will now read the file and report the results to you
- Click on Save to save all staff email addresses into Scorelink
All the staff contained within the exported file will now be stored in Scorelink with their correct email address, and you will be able to invite these staff via email. Please see related guide Invite New Users for information about inviting your staff into Scorelink.