ceSIS Data Export/Import
Student and class information can be imported from the ceSIS system. Before this data can be imported into Scorelink successfully you will need to run through this process to export the data in the correct format.
ceSIS Data Export
- Login to ceSIS
- Click on the Students button on the top menu
- Click on Student Lists in the sub menu
- Select All on the top right of the screen. Scorelink requires even your old left students. These will not appear in your class lists but it will allow Scorelink to update your current classes accurately
- Click on the Reports Button and select Student List Excel from the Run Report menu
- Click on Submit to process the report
- Click the My Reports button and refresh the page until the report status lists Success
- Click on the report name and then Save the report to a safe location
- Once the report has been saved please double click the file to open in Excel
- In Excel click File > Save As and save the type as an Excel Workbook rather than a web page
Now the ceSIS report is ready to import into Scorelink. Please ensure that you have saved the report as an Excel Workbook (Step 10) otherwise the Scorelink import will fail. Please continue with the following steps to import this data into Scorelink.
ceSIS Data Import
- Open Scorelink and navigate to Tools then Import
- Click Select file and navigate to your CESIS export file you saved earlier
- Click Next and follow through the prompts to upload your data
- During the upload process please ensure you leave your browser window open. Once the progress bar is at 100% your latest data will now be available.