Entering data
Data entry in Scorelink is very simple and will allow you to enter classes of data in only minutes. This guide will step you through the process of entering score data for your class, year level or subject. If you are entering test results for a test that requires data conversion such as SA Spelling please see the fact sheet titled Converting Data .
- Click on the Classes, Year Levels or Subjects button on the top menu depending on how you wish to enter your data
- Locate the class or group you want to enter data for by looking down the list or using the filters panel. Once you’ve found class or group, click the View button in the same row to open up the Class or Group Details
- Once the class or group page has loaded click on the Enter Data tab in the top right corner
- Click on the dropdown list under test and Select the required test > Click Next
- Select the date your students performed the test (not the date you are entering the data) and enter in a session description (eg Running Records Term 1 2017)
- Enter the first score into the top score field and press enter, or click your mouse cursor into the next empty score cell, to move down to the next student
- Continue entering all remaining scores > click next
- Click Save to commit data to Scorelink
Note: You do not need to complete the data entry for all students in one sitting (but preferable if you do). If you are interrupted simply save the page (session) and resume it later. See Guide: Resuming an Incomplete Data Session. - You have now entered data for this group of students and will be redirected to the test breakdown page.