Invite new users
Before any staff can login to Scorelink a site administrator will need to invite them into the system – this helps make sure that only the authorized personnel have access to your data. This guide will step you through the process of inviting users via email into the correct Scorelink role.
Related Articles:
Please see fact sheet to import all staff email addresses in bulk before invites are sent.
- Click on the Tools button on the top menu
- Click on Users in the left menu
- Click the Invite tab
- Select the role you would like to apply to this batch of user invites
- Click on the Select Users tab
- Tick the box next to each staff member you wish to invite and confirm their name and email address. If any of the details are missing or incorrect you can edit them now before sending. Alternatively you can click Add a single user not in list to invite a single user
- Click the green Send Invitations at the bottom of the page
An email will now be sent to all users selected containing instructions to accept the invitation and start using Scorelink. Once the users have completed these instructions they will have access to Scorelink.