Update 4.2
Unfortunately due to some staffing issues and piloting the new cloud platform, we didn’t manage to get as many new graphs in as we had hoped, so these have been pushed to our Term 4 release instead – sorry! Below is a summary of what we did manage to get done: mainly tweaks and improvements to existing features; hopefully this will give us the stability we need to get these graphs out!
Channel: all channels
Status: released on 22/08/2016
A feature is something brand new we’ve added – this will usually be an entirely new element, such as a new page or graph, that constitutes a (reasonably) major development effort, or delivers substantial additional value.
- added a new Test DataGrid, showing all sessions and scores in a single test – this is fantastic for reviewing a whole class or year level’s progress in a specific test over time. This can be reached via a new button in the Tests index under a specific Group (class, year level or subject), next to the Test Progression button
- also implemented an export function for the Test DataGrid, operating the same as the existing DataGrid export
- firmly implemented Dual Factor Authorization via Google Authenticator, for use on the cloud. Currently this is an opt-in feature found on the user preferences page
- added a new draft batch export feature to allow users to export a whole set of DataGrid Excel files for a large group of students, downloaded as a zip file. This will likely be made public in a subsequent patch or the next update
- added a Score Details page as the deepest data-drilling point; this page lists all available data for a specific score, including session, benchmark and all available score types. This can be accessed via the View button on the Student Scores page or numerous other graphs
An addition is something new that may have been added to an existing page or feature, but isn’t really major enough to be classified as a feature on its own. These are still new inclusions to Scorelink.
- added better user interface feedback when completing an import from CeSIS (for CESA schools); this layout is currently in draft status, and will eventually be rolled out to improve other imports as well
- froze the leftmost “static” columns of the DataGrid and new Test DataGrid, so that these remain on the page while scrolling horizontally. This makes it much easier to see which student scores relate to
- added a new button to link straight to the Test Progression graph from the Test DataGrid, to quickly switch between tabulated and graphed views of the same data
- added a new column to class, year level and subject index pages which lists the number of active students in that group; hovering over this will display the number of active and total students
- added back-end audit trails so we can review activity of users, which will assist us with troubleshooting and support cases
A tweak is just a minor or slight adjustment to how something works: adjusted a default sort order, or reformatting how some text is displayed. You may not even notice these changes, but they are still important to us.
- removed all references to semantic colour names such as risk, caution, normal and excellent – instead we only reference them as “colours” or by the name of the colour; this will help schools assign their own definition and interpretation to the colours
- shortened the text in the filters panel on the User Index, so it isn’t being cut off any more
- improved paging (the grouping of blocks of data into pages, rather than displaying all rows in one reeeally long page) on the Session Index so that pages load much faster
- shortened some of the longer test names, including more details information in the Test Description, to help them fit the page and reports better
- tweaked the layout and styles for modal windows displayed in Scorelink, as prep for additional modals in coming updates
- adjusted the display of substituting (non-numerical) score values in the data entry page, so they include the base numerical value in brackets; this allows users to enter data via the numerical value as well as via the text value
- adjusted the display of the Test Index to stripe alternating columns, to make it easier to scan across a row of data
- adjusted the cookie timeout (nerd stuff: means how long you can stay logged in without any activity) to 10 minutes, to improve security. We will be closely monitoring user feedback on this issue
- changed the layout of the data entry page to use a new wizard layout we are trialling, to make better use of available screen real-estate (rather than having one long vertical page)
A bug is an unexpected or unintended deviation from the way something should work. Bugs are always unintentional, and usually present through an error of some kind. We aim to resolve this swiftly and decisively as they can cause a negative user experience. All bugs are listed as how they presented when they were active, but all have now been corrected.
- Session Breakdown PDF export was crashing when sorted by the Score column
- when CeSIS imports reported a file error the entire server error was being loaded into the page, destroying the page layout
- casing on filter buttons (Filter / Clear) was inconsistent – some were in CAPS, others Proper
- Progression data table had an extra column which was affecting layout
- new Test Progression graph had some issues with Age Offset types (due to the negative scoring), causing the benchmarks to display incorrectly behind the data series’