Update 4.3
4.3 – the one about graphs
Alongside our cloud improvements, this update will really be focusing on data analysis through improved graphing: we’ve been working hard with a few smart folks from within the DECD system who have a great headset for graphing and analysis, to plan out no fewer than 10 new graphs to provide a real landscape of growth, at the individual student level and the cohort level – we’re even in discussions for having a look at the whole-school level too for partnership level analysis: how exciting!
This is a working document that we will update from time-to-time on our plans and progress, so until we get closer to the release date we can’t 100% confirm that everything mentioned here will make it into the release – but it’s a snapshot of what our thoughts are, and what we are working on. If you have any input or comments please email our support team to let them know.
Status: advanced planning for 3/10/2016
A feature is something brand new we’ve added – this will usually be an entirely new element, such as a new page or graph, that constitutes a (reasonably) major development effort, or delivers substantial additional value.
An addition is something new that may have been added to an existing page or feature, but isn’t really major enough to be classified as a feature on its own. These are still new inclusions to Scorelink.
A tweak is just a minor or slight adjustment to how something works: adjusted a default sort order, or reformatting how some text is displayed. You may not even notice these changes, but they are still important to us.
A bug is an unexpected or unintended deviation from the way something should work. Bugs are always unintentional, and usually present through an error of some kind. We aim to resolve this swiftly and decisively as they can cause a negative user experience. All bugs are listed as how they presented when they were active, but all have now been corrected.